Monday, 30 January 2017

Support Muslim Reform - Muslim Reform Movement United States

Support Muslim Reform - Muslim Reform Movement United States

We are Muslims and their neighbors who support the Muslim Reform Movement's vision for Muslim reform. We sign this petition to reject interpretations of Islam that advocate for violence, social injustice and political Islam and we sign this petition to support a reform of Islam that advocates for peace, human rights and secular governance.

Twitter: @TheMuslimReform
Instagram: @TheMuslimReform
Facebook: Muslim Reform Movement

Declaration of the Muslim Reform Movement


We are Muslims who live in the 21st century. We stand for a respectful, merciful and inclusive interpretation of Islam. We are in a battle for the soul of Islam, and an Islamic renewal must defeat the ideology of Islamism, or politicized Islam, which seeks to create Islamic states, as well as an Islamic caliphate.

We seek to reclaim the progressive spirit with which Islam was born in the 7th century to fast forward it into the 21st century. We support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by United Nations member states in 1948.

We reject interpretations of Islam that call for any violence, social injustice and politicized Islam. Facing the threat of terrorism, intolerance, and social injustice in the name of Islam, we have reflected on how we can transform our communities based on three principles: peace, human rights and secular governance. We announce the formation of an international initiative: the Muslim Reform Movement.

We have courageous reformers from around the world who have written our Declaration for Muslim Reform, a living document that we will continue to enhance as our journey continues. We invite our fellow Muslims and neighbors to join us.


A. Peace: National Security, Counter terrorism and Foreign Policy

1. We stand for universal peace, love and compassion. We reject violent jihad. We believe we must target the ideology of violent Islamist extremism in order to liberate individuals from the scourge of oppression and terrorism both in Muslim-majority societies and the West.

2. We stand for the protection of all people of all faiths and non-faith who seek freedom from dictatorships, theocracies and Islamist extremists.

3. We reject bigotry, oppression and violence against all people based on any prejudice, including ethnicity, gender, language, belief, religion, sexual orientation and gender expression.

B. Human Rights: Women’s Rights and Minority Rights

1. We stand for human rights and justice. We support equal rights and dignity for all people, including minorities. We support the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

2. We reject tribalism, castes, monarchies and patriarchies and consider all people equal with no birth rights other than human rights. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Muslims don’t have an exclusive right to “heaven.”

3. We support equal rights for women, including equal rights to inheritance, witness, work, mobility, personal law, education, and employment. Men and women have equal rights in mosques, boards, leadership and all spheres of society. We reject sexism and misogyny.

C. Secular Governance: Freedom of Speech and Religion

1. We are for secular governance, democracy and liberty. We are against political movements in the name of religion. We separate mosque and state. We are loyal to the nations in which we live. We reject the idea of the Islamic state. There is no need for an Islamic caliphate. We oppose institutionalized sharia. Sharia is manmade.

2. We believe in life, joy, free speech and the beauty all around us. Every individual has the right to publicly express criticism of Islam. Ideas do not have rights. Human beings have rights. We reject blasphemy laws, which are a cover for the restriction of freedom of speech and religion. We affirm every individual’s right to ijtihad, or critical thinking, and seek a revival of ijtihad.

3. We believe in freedom of religion and the right of all people to express and practice their faith, or non-faith, without threat of intimidation, persecution, discrimination or violence. Apostasy is not a crime. Our ummah--our community--is not just Muslims, but all of humanity.

We stand for peace, human rights and secular governance.

Please stand with us!

Affirmed this Third Day of December, Two-Thousand and Fifteen


Original Signatories:

Tahir Gora, Author, Journalist, Activist, Toronto, Canada

Tawfik Hamid, Islamic Thinker and Reformer, Oakton, VA, USA

Usama Hasan, Imam, Quilliam Foundation, London, UK

Arif Humayun, Senior Fellow, American Islamic Forum for Democracy, Portland, OR, USA

Farahnaz Ispahani, Author, Former Member of Parliament, Pakistan, Washington, D.C., USA,

M. Zuhdi Jasser, President, American Islamic Forum for Democracy, Phoenix, AZ USA

Naser Khader, Member, Danish Parliament, Muslim democracy activist, Copenhagen, Denmark

Courtney Lonergan, Community Outreach Director, Professional Facilitator, American Islamic Forum for Democracy, Phoenix, AZ USA

Hasan Mahmud, General Secretary, Muslims Facing Tomorrow, Sharia Expert, Toronto, Canada

Asra Nomani, Journalist, Author, Morgantown, WV, USA

Raheel Raza, Founder, Muslims Facing Tomorrow, Toronto, Canada

Sohail Raza, VP, Coalition of Progressive Canadian Muslim Organizations, Toronto, Canada

Salma Siddiqui, President, Coalition of Progressive Canadian Muslim Organizations, Toronto, Canada


Stand with us, please!

Note: Please add, if you would like, how you self identity, in terms of faith or non faith, where you live, and your Twitter handle and Facebook ID. We want to stay connected with you so that we can bring conversations to your communities. Neighbors talking to neighbors. Support Muslim Reform
Muslim Reform Movement Estados Unidos




I believe this is the way to go.  The Muslims must themselves solve the problems inwardly and bring the Koran´s message into the 21st century for peace with all mankind.  Century old scriptures can not be taken verbally but must be interpreted to the way of life we have today,but retaining the important messages.


Sunday, 29 January 2017



The election of Donald Trump for president of the United States brings instability to the American continent

By plus55- Brazil Business on Nov 09, 2016


Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, staging a historic upset against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. For Brazil, this could mean bad news regardless of your political views. As the votes started rolling Trump’s way, stock markets across the globe plunged due to the fear of Trump’s anti-free trade agenda. The Republican’s victory could cause problems for the recovery of Brazil’s economy. Early on Wednesday, Brazil’s currency, the Real, tumbled 2 percent after having gained nearly 24 percent in value this year.

Trump’s election has also had a negative impact on Brazil’s stock market. The BM&F Bovespa index, Brazil’s stock exchange, had risen 50 percent between January and October. Last week, though, it dropped 5.1 percent – and Petrobras’ shares lost 6 percent of its market value. All because of the “Trump risk.”

Before the markets opened, the Brazilian Central Bank announced that it would cancel an auction of up to $250 million worth of reverse currency swaps scheduled for the day, without offering an explanation.

We don’t know quite just yet how Donald Trump’s administration will impact Brazil. “The biggest problem for us, right now, is the uncertainty created by his victory,” posits Fernando Brancoli, a professor of international relations at Fundação Getulio Vargas. “Hillary Clinton was more open to free-trade deals; we knew what to expect from her.”

Notwithstanding the stock market results, Pedro Vartanian, a professor of economics at Mackenzie University, doesn’t believe that Trump’s election will have a major impact in trading deals between Brazil and the United States. “Regardless of who their president is, we don’t have much access to the American market,” he says. “Right now, all we can do is wait and see if he will fulfill promises like toughening the relationship with China.”

There is also the issue of immigration. There are currently 1.3 million Brazilians living in the United States – and most of them are undocumented. If Trump keeps his promises of mass deportations, it could severely impact those immigrants.

The Trump trend could spread around Latin America, and especially in Brazil. “People are tired of the establishment, and these individuals who describe themselves as ‘outsiders,’ even when they’re not, are capitalizing,” says Professor Fernando Brancoli. Brazil’s recent municipal elections showed the strength of this phenomenon when São Paulo elected, in the first-round election, a businessman with limited political experience. Does that ring any bells?

Brazilian Congressman Jair Bolsonaro celebrated the result. On Twitter, he declared: “The victory goes to the man who fought ‘everyone and everything.’ In 2018, Brazil will follow the same path.”

It might actually happen. Bolsonaro, a man who gained notoriety for his racist, homophobic rants, is polling at 10 percent for the presidential race. He is the candidate preferred by 25 percent of wealthy Brazilians. The question is, after Trump’s win, can we doubt such results?


Grand Orient of Brazil and the Grand Lodge of Washington DC reestablished fraternal relations with the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF)

According to two news issued by the Masonic Press Agency on May 1st and May 17th, 2013, the Grand Orient of Brazil and the Grand Lodge of Washington DC reestablished fraternal relations with the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF).

Several months ago GLNF began a series of reforms to restore its legitimate status within the international Masonic scene. The first step was the election of Jean-Pierre Servel in the office of Grand Master. The second step was the adoption of reforms which led to the suspension and removal of Stifani from GLNF.

As a result of these required decisions, GLNF began to reap the first fruits of its labor: Grand Orient of Brazil restored fraternal relations with GLNF (The Grand Orient of Brazil reestablishes Masonic relations with the French National Grand Lodge. GLNF and GOB put an end to the suspended relations, event occured a year ago because of the internal problems of the French National Grand Lodge. GOB's action will likely produce a chain reaction that will restore the international status of the French National Grand Lodge) and then was the turn of the Grand Lodge of Washington DC to do the same.

On May 14, 2013, the official announcement was made by GLNF's Grand Master. During the Annual Communication in Washington, the decision regarding GLNF was adopted unanimously. The impact of the decisions taken in Brasilia (in Latin America) and Washington (in North America), plus the strong position of Grand Chancellor of the United Grand Lodge of England will help GLNF this year to proudly celebrate its centenary.

Also the same source informs that: If Europe's Grand Lodges that have initiated the process of withdrawal of recognition regarding GLNF are not reacting yet as their counterparts in Washington (and in Brasilia), in the horizon arises the problem of the Supreme Council for France which will be forced to depart from the way adopted so far.




President Michel Temer,is a former Obama informant and a 33º Mason in Grande Oriente do Brasil, founded in 1822. It has 1700 lodges with around 100,000 members. It is within the tradition of Anglo-American Freemasonry. 

My question is, how will Trump´s ideas coincide with Temer´s Illuminati/ global elite connections,which essentially,Trump is out to destroy,for the benefit of ´the people´?  

Temer is presently negotiating with the chairman of Néstle for the privatization of one of Brazil´s largest underground water-reserves for a period of no less than 100 years.  This,in spite of great water shortage in large areas of Brazil.  

Néstle belongs to the global conglomerate aiming to control the world´s water resources,claiming "water is not a human right".


Saturday, 28 January 2017

Bilderberg Rag, New York Times Attacks Trump’s Successes Stopping ‘Free Trade’

Bilderberg Rag, New York Times Attacks Trump’s Successes Stopping ‘Free Trade’


With Choice of Trade Negotiator, Trump Prepares to Confront Mexico and China


January 4, 2017

Robert Lighthizer shares a view with the president-elect that the United States has prioritized the ideal of free trade over its own self-interest.



EMS NEWS Archive : >
January 4, 2017 · 1:37 pm

While struggling to try to pretend to be ‘neutral’ the Bilderberg rag, NYT, writes a long article about Trump’s early successes at stopping the bleeding of US manufacturing jobs, walking a tightrope trying to sound ‘patriotic’ while attacking Trump.  The NYT has pushed for ‘free trade’ all my long life without exception.  And there never has been ‘free trade’ at all.  What we have is ‘transfer of US jobs overseas seeking cheap labor and high profits.’  What do we get in exchange for imported goods?  A gigantic national debt that grows monstrously each year to infinity which is totally unsustainable.

Many years ago under the Reagan regime, the State Department was asked by the communist Chinese if they could have people live with me and learn about America.  The State Department said yes, so I took them all to Wall Street, to our ports, to our factories, etc. and we sat down at night at the dinner table and discussed economic matters and international politics.

They all were committed Maoists when they arrived and one day, they figured out two things: making money via creating stuff that can be exported makes a nation richer and…making money is fun!  Seriously.  They loved the idea and the idea that they could bankrupt America while doing this was their happiest idea.

That is because I would grouse about how the US was committing economic suicide with Europe by running constant trade deficits.  So their plan since 1983 has been to bankrupt the US via trade.  Each year, I warned the government of the US about this, my warnings have been long and loud and no one listens.  I didn’t understand the Bilderberg gang perfectly back then but today, it is obvious they cooked up this mess and they want to keep it going to infinity because they are greedy and stupid and don’t know that the Chinese plan is to eradicate them all eventually so they can’t do this to China, too.

The Bilderberg gang have invited two Chinese ‘reformers’ to their secret meeting.  Chinese reformist Liu He to attend Bilderberg meetings » Alex Jones’ Infowars:
Liu, director of the Communist Party’s Office of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Affairs and deputy director of the Chinese government’s National Development and Reform Commission, will be accompanied by Huang Yiping, a professor of economics at the National School of Development of Peking University.

Liu’s attendance at this year’s conference is significant as he is regarded a confidant of Chinese president Xi Jinping, whom he has known since they were schoolmates at Beijing’s Middle School 101 in the 1960s. Trained in economic policy in China before earning a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in 1995, Liu is said to be a forward-thinking reformer who has been entrusted with crafting China’s economic vision for the next decade, having headed the think-tank in charge of reform at the pivotal third plenum of the CPC 18th National Congress last November.
The stupid Bilderberg gang!  The two top Chinese were there to SPY on them all!!!  It never ceases to amaze me how the Bilderberg gang doesn’t understand the top Chinese plans, cooked right in my own home way back when Madame Mao was arrested.  They also know they can bribe US ‘power people’ as we saw with the Clinton crime family and the Bush crime family sucking down several billion in foreign bribes quite openly.  When Reagan left the White House and ran off to Japan to collect his bribes for helping Japan run one way trade with the US, they said if any Chinese official did that, he or she would be shot.

So now on to the top story today for me: the NYT is talking about trade issues and that paper has been key to pushing the free trade fake propaganda, being a Fake News site of highest quality.  That is, they sound sane while pushing for insane stuff via lying about nearly everything.  The biggest lie of all is to not mention important information.

For example, no where in the article at the NYT does anyone being interviewed or the reporter, mentions ‘trade deficits’.  That is key to keeping our economy from being fixed.  Stopping our trade deficits is a life and death issue.
Mr. Trump also renewed his episodic campaign to persuade American companies to expand domestic manufacturing, criticizing General Motors via Twitter on Tuesday morning for making in Mexico some of the Chevrolet Cruze hatchbacks it sells domestically. Hours later, Mr. Trump claimed credit after Ford said it would expand vehicle production in Flat Rock, Mich.

The Fake News media bosses have been whining about this ever since Trump won the election.  They are so blind to reality, being fake, they don’t notice that workers who are now seeing only Trump, not the GOP or DNC, saving their jobs personally, they are very happy with the choice of Trump as President.

The NYT thinks everyone is angry at Trump for twisting arms like this!  Shows who they hang out with!
The choice of Robert Lighthizer to be the United States’ trade representative nearly completes Mr. Trump’s selection of top economic advisers and, taken together with the president-elect’s running commentary on Twitter, underscores Mr. Trump’s focus on making things in America. That is causing unease among some Republicans who regard Mr. Trump’s views on trade as dangerously retrograde, even as they embrace the bulk of his economic agenda.
It angers all our Real Rulers and their puppets.  They hate this.  Any GOP jerks who are uneasy at saving US jobs should be listed so that GOP voters can get rid of them starting with #1, Ryan.
Mainstream economists warn that protectionist policies like import taxes could impose higher prices on consumers and slow economic growth.


The NYT actually believes this insanity.  We will ‘get higher prices’…well, prices are climbing as US jobs leave. We do have inflation which is carefully hidden from everyone but us citizens who are hammered by it.

Economic ‘growth’: um…nearly all of our major manufacturing cities are now dying slums filled with angry black males who are systematically destroying whatever is left and killing each other and looting the surrounding suburbs.  Obama fixed this by exporting even more working class jobs.

But some Democrats are signaling a readiness to support Mr. Trump. Nine House Democrats held a news conference Tuesday with the A.F.L.-C.I.O. president, Richard Trumka, to urge renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada.

At last, some glimmer of sanity in the DNC!  I hope these nine nameless House members force the media to tell us their names!  Of course, the NYT won’t tell us since the NYT wants these guys to disappear down a dark hole and never come back  again.

I did find, in a small paper in Oregon, the actual news that the NYT is reporting while hiding much of the news and we shall compare the two articles to see how crummy, cheap and stupid the NYT has become.

    “We wanted him to know that we’ll work with him on doing that,” Mr. Trumka said. “I don’t think he has enough Republican support to do it, and rewriting the rules of trade is a necessary first step in righting the economy for working people.”

Yes, there is this budding alliance between real leftists who believe in helping workers even white male workers!  And this alliance scares the Bilderberg gang more than any other!

Mr. Trump and his top advisers on trade, including Mr. Lighthizer, share a view that the United States in recent decades prioritized the ideal of free trade over its own self-interest. They argue that other countries are undermining America’s industrial base by subsidizing their own export industries while impeding American importers. They regard this unfair competition as a key reason for the lackluster growth of the economy.

And…they are correct!! This is called ‘stating the obvious’ and voters should realize that Obama and Hillary never, ever did this or ever say any of this to anyone.  As did both Bushes, too.

This omertà silence was total until Trump came along and blasted all of this out of the water, hit the ball out of the park.

There is also an ideological divide between the people Mr. Trump has named to oversee trade policy and his broader circle of advisers, which is populated by longstanding trade advocates like Gary D. Cohn, the president of Goldman Sachs, who will lead the National Economic Council; Rex W. Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil, tapped for secretary of state; and Gov. Terry Branstad of Iowa, Mr. Trump’s choice for ambassador to China.
Yes, this is true.  But these advisors also are being told in no uncertain terms, the goal is to stop the trade deficit and bring home jobs.  I suspect they will cooperate.

Proponents of trade hope the broader circle, and congressional Republicans, will exert a moderating influence. These ‘moderates’ are all rich people who go to Bilderberg meetings.

 “You’re seeing a pretty clear indication that there will be a focus on the enforcement of our trade agreements and on the letter of the law,” said Scott Lincicome, an international trade lawyer at White & Case. “But that doesn’t necessarily mean a significant turn toward protectionism. Even free trade guys like me support enforcement.”

And this is how Trump hopes to stay alive: keep the hopes up of the Bilderberg gang while forcing them to endorse and promote his policies instead of standing on the outside, blocking these by allying themselves with the Democrats.  Already, he is successfully pulling key Democrats to his side.

This is amazing to watch after the entire DNC tried to destroy Trump after the election.  Here is the same story as told by a newspaper not run by the Bilderberg gang so it has a lot more information that is useful to us all:  AFL-CIO, House Dems pledge to help Trump in push to rework NAFTA | Fox News as reported by Mr. Weber.  The Fox reporter actually went to the news conference in DC and reported what happened there:

House Democrats joined Big Labor on Tuesday in voicing support for Donald Trump’s push to renegotiate NAFTA and other trade deals — while also vowing to hold the incoming Republican president to that campaign promise.

 “Trump said he wants to fight for trade deals that put American workers first, and so do we,” said Oregon Rep. Peter DeFazio. “We are going to give very strong support for rewriting NAFTA. The momentum for a new direction is very, very clear and growing.”

Not all Democrats are blind mice being herded by hungry cats.  They have an idea what is going on despite the tons of propaganda pouring out of NYC.  Note that DeFazio says ‘the new direction is very, VERY clear…’ but then, why didn’t he yell this during the election?  About time, but boy, talk about late!
The Oregon congressman was joined by several other House Democrats and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka in arguing that decades of unfair trade deals have eliminated millions of U.S. jobs.

This fact was totally ignored by the NYT reporter, of course.  So far, this article has not one Fake News item.  Amazing, isn’t it?

Trump won the presidency in large part by appealing to disaffected Americans, including many across the Midwest who have lost good-paying manufacturing jobs and have been marginalized in the workforce. The Republican threatened to scrap NAFTA if Canada and Mexico do not come to the negotiating table.

This is stating the obvious which the other Fake News sites like the NYT and WP and all the major TV stations, refused to broadcast.

 “Entire communities have lost their purpose and identity. And we have to fix that,” said Trumka, whose union backed failed 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. “Working people are looking for a new way forward on trade … and we have to begin today.”

Why on earth did this union support Hillary???  She and her husband have a long history of stabbing workers in the back.  I wonder how many secretly voted for Trump?  He did take much of the voting districts of Oregon except for one city which went for Hillary.

They didn’t use their brains when it counted.  They should have attacked Hillary, not supported her.  Once her secret speeches to Goldman Sachs were leaked, they should have denounced her loudly and told their voters to vote for Trump.

Trumka outlined what he called several “broad” changes to NAFTA that include tougher trade enforcement and reworking labor agreements but later acknowledged, “Frankly, every chapter should be improved.”

Nice of him to crawl out from under his corrupt rock to say this once someone who is against free trade finally won an election despite all attempts by the Democrats and the top Republicans, to stop him.

At the same time, the House Democrats rolled out their 21 Century Bill of Rights, which they called “key principles” for rewriting a host of international trade deals including NAFTA, which Clinton’s husband, President Bill Clinton, signed into law in the early-1990s.

Trumka and House Democrats also boasted that they have essentially defeated the Obama administration-driven Trans Pacific Partnership pact and called for Trump to put an official end to the deal, along with reworking NAFTA with Canada and Mexico in his first 100 days in office.

       “TPP is dead,” said Rep. Rosa DeLauro, of Connecticut.

So, they are taking credit for stopping the TPP…but they didn’t stop it due to being smart, it was stopped due to other people stopping it and they all jumped onto the band wagon at the last minute so they wouldn’t be left behind.

Did the ‘reworking of the NAFTA deal’ work?  NO. Obama…he destroyed their work by enabling millions more US jobs to be moved overseas and only Trump put a stop to the hemorrhage.

However, she and others expressed concerns about working with Trump and about what he might do as president — including whether he could get the GOP-controlled Congress and the so-called “free traders” among his Cabinet picks to go along with trade reform. And they raised concerns about whether his reworked deals would further protect U.S. workers and the environment.

“If he makes the workers’ lives or the environment worse, he will have a serious price to pay,” said DeLauro, who joined her fellow Democrats in calls to hold Trump “accountable.”

These rough tough cream puffs…boy, did they punish Hillary and Obama for betraying their workers…NOT.  They did NOTHING.  Worse, they wanted us to vote for these two clowns.  They pushed hard for these clowns.  They betrayed their own workers who then voted for Trump against the desires of these stupid Democrats who still refuse to take responsibility for the free trade disasters.

These Democrats running off to work with Trump still won’t apologize for destroying the working class of America.  They are fully responsible.  Now, they might undo the worst of their damage to us all but for me, they appear to have learned nothing at all.

 They didn’t praise Trump for doing what no DNC leader has done.  Instead, they attacked Trump claiming they will force him to do the right thing…YOU DIRTY CREEPS.  Instead of hanging their heads in shame for trying to install Hillary on us and thus, continue the death of US jobs, they pretend that Trump is probably evil and they will save us from him.

Some saving.  These dirty little jerks tried to feed us all to the Bilderberg bitch.  They screamed and yelled and lied about vote counting and refused to read or understand all the leaked information clearly showing Hillary planned to stiff workers and ship out more jobs and told their people to vote for her.  To hell with them all.

Luckily, Trump isn’t mad at them so he can lure them into supporting him instead of trying to just get the GOP to cooperate and to hell with all the GOP leaders, too, who are also traitors.  To hell with them all.  This year is going to be very interesting, indeed.  Very, very interesting.





Thursday, 26 January 2017

Brussels CAN'T stop Theresa May and Trump talking trade, EU Brexit negotiator reveals

Brussels CAN'T stop Theresa May and Trump talking trade, EU Brexit negotiator reveals

THE European Union cannot stop Theresa May from negotiating a trade deal with Donald Trump when the pair meet later this week, the EU’s Brexit negotiator-in-chief has said.

By Aletha Adu - PUBLISHED: 04:40, Thu, Jan 26, 2017        

Michel Barnier admitted there was nothing anyone could do to stop the two leaders establishing a deal when the two leaders meet on Friday.

Speaking in Oslo, Mr Barnier said Britain still remains a “part of the EU’s trade policy” but later made the rhetorical statement – “What could prevent countries from talking?”

EU officials cannot stop May and Trump having trade talks, says Barnier

Britain 'could be FORCED to follow EU law for 10 YEARS after Brexit'

Brexit will go ahead with 'NO REVENGE', EU Brexit negotiator admits

Although he has been tasked with getting the best deal for the remaining 27 EU member states, a leaked recording revealed a sympathetic side towards Brexit.

Speaking with MEP's in a private meeting, the 66-year-old Brexit negotiator expressed his hopes to avoid a brutal clash with Brexit Britain.

Mr Barnier said the EU’s Brexit deal will go ahead with “no aggressiveness, no revenge, no punishment” as well as no naivety.

In reference to a potential deal the EU would establish with Britain’s financial district, Mr Barnier added: “Some very specific work has to be done in this area. There will be a special, specific relationship.”

Once dubbed the 'most dangerous man in Europe', Michel Barnier is the Vice President of the European People's Party.

Politicians have clashed over the last few weeks, debating if Britain should be permitted to engage in trade talks before completing its official exit from the EU.

On Monday Margaritis Chinas, a chief European Commission spokesman, took a swipe at Britain and claiming the UK was “playing with fire” as it was revealed informal trade talks with Australia were underway.

President Trump has hailed Brexit and said a new trade deal will be established “quickly and properly”.

Trump’s allies have said a trade deal between the two countries could be established "within a week”, according to the FT.

Sean Spicer, the press secretary for the White House, said: “We've always had that special relationship with Britain. He's had a great conversation with her and he looks forward to having her here. But we can always be closer."

Further clashes between Britain and the EU are expected as the European Parliament have announced plans to launch a task force to strictly investigate the British Government’s treatment of EU nationals following the Brexit vote.


Speaking to the Guardian, Dutch MEP Sophie in ‘t Veld said: “Why is the British Government trying to make it so hard for people who have been living in the UK for decades, who have set up a family there, work there? It is their home."

First meeting between President Trump and PM Theresa May
27th January 2017





Finding Good News

Finding Good News

Homepage - C.J. Casper
Former community organizer. Recent university graduate.
2 days ago

Finding Good News

The inauguration of President Trump began a new era of tumult for American journalists. “Fake news” is a phrase that’s been tossed around a lot—so much so that I’d argue it no longer really has legitimate meaning—but the reality is that very few people trust news media. 

This is a stark difference from the American tradition, wherein news media and journalistic figures were seen as the only reliable sources of truth in the face of government dishonesty and manipulation (particularly in the 70s).  cont .....

 Read the full article : >

The news provider :>


You should also be aware of the underlying cause of people´s dis-belief :

"The question of how and why the United Nations is the crux of the great conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and the enslavement of the American people within a U.N. one-world dictatorship is a complete and unknown mystery to the vast majority of the American people.

The reason for this unawareness of the frightening danger to our country and to the entire free world is simple. The masterminds behind this   great   conspiracy   have   absolute   control   of   all   of   our mass-communications media, especially television, the radio, the press, and Hollywood.

We all know that our State Department, the Pentagon, and the White House have brazenly proclaimed that they have the right and the power to manage the news, to tell us not the truth but what they want us to believe. They have seized that power on orders from their masters of the great conspiracy and the objective is to brainwash the people into accepting the phony peace bait to transform the United States into an enslaved unit of the United Nations' one-world government.




A very interesting article. The people have lost faith in the official news media as they see the circus proceed during the presidential election and after. In Norway, only 32% of the population trust mainstream media.

More and more people,thanks to the easy access of the Internet,are now doing their own, independent research on a whole range of subjects from a great variety of sources.

Many people only believe what is ´trendy´ or ´politically correct´,but a growing number of people who have lost confidence in mainstream media are seeking alternative news sources for comparison to reach a sensible conclusion. This is what normal people do every day, using their brain and past experience to sift through lies,half-lies and truths, arriving at ´near-truth´ conclusion. The more material and the longer it is sifted through, the easier it becomes to learn the truth.

News media must not be ´gagged´,it is the variety of opinions which eventually will show you the truth.   "No smoke without fire"

Thesis=Official News Media
Anti-Thesis= Alternative News Media 
Synthesis= THE TRUTH


Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Can an Article 50 notification be revoked?

Can an Article 50 notification be revoked?

UK Human Rights Blog
David Allen Green-Oct 18 2016 11:59

Pro-EU supporters outside the High Court in London, which has been hearing the Article 50 case  © Getty Images

When the UK makes a notification under Article 50 that it intends to withdraw from the EU there is the legal question of whether that notification can be revoked unilaterally.

Nobody knows the answer.

If it is revocable then the UK and EU will not be bound to go through with the exercise if conditions or preferences change: the UK can put the revolver down.

But if it is irrevocable then the UK will be out in two years or so, even if no exit deal has been agreed: once the revolver is fired the bullet cannot be stopped.

The one place you will not find any explicit answer is Article 50. The provision is silent on whether revocation is possible and the exit process halted. This means no one can be certain what the legal position is, and that includes those pundits with confident opinions either way. Nobody knows, especially those who claim to know.

That Article 50 is silent is not surprising, since its authors never intended it to be used and so no great thought went into its content. It was there only for a symbolic purpose, to reassure the Eurosceptics and nationalists that no member state was bound to be a member. As this blog has described, Article 50 was intended to be an ornament not an instrument. This is what happens when diplomats are allowed to draft legal instruments.

But now the ornament has to be used as an instrument, with all its blemishes and omissions. So how can one make legal sense of the provision? What would a court of competent jurisdiction say if it were invited to rule on whether a notification under Article 50 can be revoked?

A court could look at the provision as a whole and decide that the process set out makes no sense if there can be casual starts and stops. The two-year deadline would have no meaning if the clock could keep being reset to zero. If the intention of the drafters was to have a flexible approach to notification then it would not have been so firm on the two-year expiry and be silent on revocation. Accordingly, adopting this narrow approach, the provision was intended to concentrate minds and there is no scope for revocation.

This view has been adopted by both sides in the current litigation before the High Court in London. The claimants, who are seeking a ruling that parliament has to decide on Article 50 or authorise the notification, have every interest in the decision being treated as irrevocable. Their strongest legal arguments (in my view) are about the rights that will be extinguished as a natural and direct consequence of the notification. But if it can be revoked, then the arguments fall away. The government, too, has a political interest in maintaining that notification is irrevocable, otherwise Brexit may not mean Brexit.

This shared position means the courts may not need to determine the question of revocation, as it is not in contention between the parties.

But there are other views. Many academics contend that under the usual rules of international law, such notifications would normally be revocable (one excellent post setting out this view is here). This is the view of the former director-general of the Council of the EU’s Legal Service. And, significantly, Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, raised the possibility of notification being (legally, unilaterally) revocable in his important speech last week:

“We will conduct the negotiations in good faith, defend the interests of the EU 27, minimise the costs and seek the best possible deal for all. But as I have said before, I am afraid that no such outcome exists that will benefit either side. Of course it is and can only be for the UK to assess the outcome of the negotiations and determine if Brexit is really in their interest.”

Such an “assessment” would, of course, only make sense if the UK had the right at law to step back unilaterally. And when Mr Tusk was asked directly whether Article 50 notification was revocable, he said “formally, legally, of course, yes“. He was not just expressing a political view, he was saying it was the legal position too.

This question matters, as any legal ability of the UK unilaterally to revoke the Article 50 notification is perhaps more important than the unilateral right to invoke the process.

At a stroke it transforms the negotiating position of the parties: the UK is no longer the prisoner of a process but can walk away from a potentially bad bargain. Similarly, the negotiating position of the EU could be affected: if there is flexibility about whether the UK is bound to depart once the process starts, then this may determine the extent of any flexibility about the ultimate terms on offer.

There is no doubt that as a matter of multilateral politics, rather than law, the UK could revoke the notification if all the other member states agreed (although no doubt there would be some Brexiters who would then litigate). Many things are possible in the EU by agreement of the members. But when there is no agreement, the legal position matters, and here it is uncertain.

We have a curious situation: Article 50 says nothing expressly about revocation; those with confident opinions about the legal position have no express term on which to base their opinions; both the UK government and those who are challenging it in court say that the notification is irrevocable; and academics and the president of the European Council say that, at law (as well as politically), the notification is unilaterally revocable.

The legal question of unilateral revocation is a crucially important one, as the answer may determine the manner in which any Brexit will come about — or indeed whether it comes about. At stake is the very course and outcome of the Brexit process.





Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Supreme Court judges thwart will of 17M Britons! May CAN'T trigger Brexit without MPs vote

Supreme Court judges thwart will of 17M Britons! May CAN'T trigger Brexit without MPs vote

THERESA MAY must gain the approval of MPs and unelected peers before triggering Brexit, the Supreme Court ruled today.

DAILY EXPRESS - By Greg Heffer, Political Reporter
PUBLISHED: 09:38, Tue, Jan 24, 2017 | UPDATED: 12:35, Tue, Jan 24, 2017



• Theresa May NOT able to trigger Article 50 without Act of Parliament

• Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland WON'T have say on Article 50

• Brexit Secretary David Davis to address MPs at 12.30pm

• Government has already drafted Article 50 legislation

• Labour vow not to 'frustrate' Article 50 but will try to amend authorising Act of Parliament

• Liberal Democrats to vote against Article 50 without promise of second EU referendum

• Supreme Court accused of 'fumbling' law




What has happened to DEMOCRACY in the UK when a vote INVITATION from Parliament is not respected,largely from the ´elite´ faction, demanding re-election because their EXPECTED result was not achieved.  What if a second referendum also comes out in favor of LEAVE?  Will you ask for a third or a fourth until you obtain the desired result?   This method does not belong in serious British politics and reminds me more of a Big Brother  TV game.

The Labor party,representing WHO?  is dithering on the edge of Leave-Remain. I am certain,a very large number of the voters were members of the Labor party, are these to be overridden by Corbyn?

Has it not yet dawned on the Remainers that EU is in a free fall?

Very disappointed to see so much fraction within the Conservative party, running around like headless chicken.  Where is the political cohesion?

WHO is going to take a firm grip on the situation,shake the tree and make sure Brexit means Brexit and does not have to endure further delays.
